About Vibrance Ayurveda

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” -Hippocrates

Ayurvedic Consultations & Programs

Initial Consultation

An Ayurvedic consultation is a truly holistic and personalized approach to your healthcare needs. It’s both supportive in helping unwind the current state of imbalances (symptoms) as well as providing practical tools and rituals of how to maintain a state of balance and harmony in all levels of your being, body-mind/emotions, and spirit.

During an Initial Consultation, we collect detailed information to give us a full picture of who you are and how you got to where you are now. We listen to and learn about your health goals and create a unique plan of support for you to come back to and maintain a sense of balance and peace in your health and well-being. This new state of being is supportive not only of yourself but of all those in your sphere of influence.

The Initial Consultation is the beginning step to support you at every level. From there, it’s recommended to join the 6-month H.E.A.R.T.-Fullness Program in order to provide you with the deepest, most complete, and comprehensive support for you. This will allow the time needed to unwind the imbalances and make the recommendations a part of your daily life. Please see below for more information on the 6-month H.E.A.R.T.-Fullness Program. Individual follow-up consultations are also available; please refer to the bottom of the page.

$325 - Initial Ayurvedic Consultation* – 2 hours
*Digestive formula included (one month supply and unique to you) (All other herbal formulas and supplies are not included, however some are included in the H.E.A.R.T.-Fullness Program, see below.)

Curious to know more, before committing to an Initial Consultation? Book our Free 15-minute Ayurvedic Discovery Session!  

FREE - Ayurvedic Discovery Session - 15 minutes
This session allows you to speak to a practitioner, via Zoom or phone, to find out how Ayurveda can support you.  Please come with questions and we will provide an overview of the process.  Specific recommendations are not given.  These sessions are only done virtually, not in person.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu


The H.E.A.R.T.-Fullness Program

~Heal, Energize, Awaken in Awareness, Rejuvenate/Revitalize, Transform into Freedom~

This 6-month program* is for anyone who is ready to fully commit and transform on every level; body-mind/emotions and spirit.

The Most Comprehensive Service to Help Unwind*:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic Digestive Issues (including SIBO, Candida, IBS, Leaky Gut, UC, Crohn’s, etc.)
  • Deep Seated Stress & Sleep Issues
  • Menstrual Imbalances (including fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, heavy/light periods, etc.)
  • Menopause Imbalances
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Skin Issues including Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Chronic Dis-eases
  • Long Haul Covid
  • Arthritis

 *Depending on how long symptoms have been present, more time may be needed.

What to Expect:

During the 6-month program, we will uncover the root causes of the current state of health and create a plan to bring ease and health back to you at every level. Some areas where recommendations will be made for shifting and changing are but are not limited to, nutrition, lifestyle practices, mental/emotional states, movement, home space, career, relationships, and life purpose.

Our commitment to you is to hold space for you to heal, encourage awareness of self, habits, and patterns, and provide recommendations unique to you so balance is reestablished at every level, body-mind/emotions, and spirit. This work, when committed to by you, can rejuvenate and revitalize every single cell and support you to transform your whole self and to live your best and most vibrant life!

Why 6 Months:

Throughout my years of life and practice, I realized changes, especially deep long-lasting changes, take time. We cannot rush them or hack them out. 6 months provides the time needed to implement the changes and provide support, which is key, for the inevitable ups and downs that occur when we make changes. This program ensures the ability to go deep and for a continuation of support when the bumps occur and the best part, is to celebrate the transformation!

What it includes:

  • ~12 hours* of consultation time.  Taken in either 75 or 90min. sessions.**  Follow-up's will occur every 2-3 weeks.
  • 6 – 15 minute phone check-in’s during the 6 months (used when & as needed)**
  • ~8 Hours* of Body Therapies (based on recommendations from practitioner)
    • Options Include: Bliss Therapy, Abhyanga (w/or w/out Steam), Shirodhara, & Basti’s
    • Additional body therapies (over the hours included), will be discounted by 15% within 9 months of starting the program.
  • Unlimited email and text support as needed.
  • Gifts/Giveaways worth ~$200 retail – throughout the program I will provide gifts of product and/or service support.

 *This is fluid and will be configured based on individual client's needs.                                                                                                               

**1 hr. or longer appointments are best and encouraged to be in-person. 15min. check-ins and 30min. appointments are by phone or on-line only.

Why Body Therapies are Included in the Program?


Have you ever heard the phrase, “Our issues live in our tissues!”? Well, it's true, and mainstream science/medicine is beginning to recognize this truth. The ancient practices of holistic healing, science/medicine have always known this fact. Our bodies can hold onto our experiences and emotions and part of the unwinding of any dis-ease is to support the body in releasing the issues at the physical tissue level, which is why body therapies are included, to support you at every level of healing.

What is the Cost?

Total value = $3600!

$3100 when paid upfront, that's a $500 savings!

$547/month if paid monthly* ($3282 total paid, which is a $318 savings!)

  *Credit card must be on-file and will be charged automatically on the same day each month for 6 months.

Why is it called the H.E.A.R.T.-Fullness Program?

In Ayurveda, it’s known that our vital life Ojas, our physical/emotional strength, well-being, and vitality, reside in the heart and it’s the seat of our spiritual essence/soul. When we are regaining our balance and coming back to our vibrant selves, those changes are often led by and from the heart. How we feel, what’s transpired in the heart, is often what we remember, not what is said or shown. Our commitment to you is to help you feel your best, to live in the place of your wisdom, gifts, and masteries with joy, vitality, and happiness, and to lead your life from the heart, because it’s the “Heart of the Matter”, what matters most!


General Follow Up Consultations

~When outside the H.E.A.R.T.-Fullness Program~

$175 – 75 min. Follow-up

$220 – 90 min. Follow-up (Recommended when energy work is being done OR for returning clients when it’s been longer than 6 months but less than 18 months since the last session.)

$70 – 30 min. Follow-up (Done via phone or Zoom)

  -All follow-ups 60 minutes or longer are encouraged in-person, less than 60 minutes will be done via phone or Zoom.

$35 – 15 min. Check-in via phone or email (Charged when topics are outside current recommendations from past sessions or it’s been longer than 3 months without a session.)

ReStart Consultation - 2 hr.  $280 – For those who've gone through the Initial Consultation but it's been 18 months or longer since your last session. 

 **If you pre-purchase any service, it remains on credit indefinitely, however refunds must be requested in writing within 90 days of purchase.  If pre-purchase of a service is made and not used within 60 days of original booking, new pricing, if changed, will apply.


“Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature - "to love and honor who we are", not as what people think or tell us, “who we should be.” ~ Prana Gogia

Book an Appointment

For Consultations, Body Therapies and Energetic Coaching

Monday - Saturday,
by appointment only

Book Your Free 15-minute Ayurvedic Discovery Session

Curious about Ayurveda and how it can support you?

Monday - Saturday,
Virtual Appointment Only.